Founded in 2006, SERA Advogados gathers wide legal expertise and extensive practical experience on Environmental and Regulatory Laws acquired in renowned large companies and law firms, as well as in boutique offices (firms with small structure characterized by their specialization in distinguished areas).
Since the beginning, we have in our DNA the multidisciplinary vision of Law integrated with Environmental Law and Science, as well as values such as ethics, commitment and respect to each Customer’s specific needs.
Our mission: offering legal assistance based on technical excellence and efficient action focused on structuring innovative strategies and solutions that prioritize the viability of its Customer’s business in the least cumbersome manner.
Such dedication bore fruits. Partner Naoka Sera Furuiti was elected one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil by Análise Advocacia Magazine in 2018, 2019, 2021, and is one of the women lawyers honored by the special editions of Women Lawyer in 2021 and 2022.
Sera Advogados is one of the most admired Brazilian law firms by the Magazine Análise Advocacia in 2018, 2019 and 2021, as well as an office Top of Quality in 2021.
Environmental Law
We have wide expertise on the diverse demands related to Environmental Law.
Our services include performance on administrative, civil and criminal spheres, both on preventive or advisory situations and on litigious or judicial ones. Such services are always conducted in line to requirements from representatives of Legislative and Executive Powers and from authorities related to environmental protection agencies from federal, state and municipal levels, as well as taking into account the position of opinion leaders.The offered services contemplate performance on administrative, civil and criminal spheres, both on preventive or advisory and litigious or judicial situations. In any case, it is conducted in consonance to opinion leaders, representatives from Legislative and Executive Powers, authorities related to environmental protection agencies from federal, state and municipal levels.
Importance of Environmental Law
Nowadays, issues related to sustainability and environment are in evidence in the worldwide agenda. Initially treated as a subject restricted to Government, activists and legal academic circles, environmental issues are more and more a part of daily life, with increasingly complex demands.
This fact impacts almost all relations in the corporate environment, as well as many civil law transactions. As a consequence, the importance of Environmental Law is continuously growing, assuming in many cases a key role in business decisions, given the strict nature of the legal framework on protection of natural resources in Brazil and the growing activity of environmental regulatory agencies.
As the solution of environmental questions involve sensitive aspects such as corporate image, criminal responsibility, relevant indemnification and risks of foreclosure or suspension of activities, it is mandatory to take into account all elements involved in an integrated approach.
Given our experience and expertise, we may offer a wide range of legal assistance on environmental matters, always with a fresh and individualized approach. Our services may be hired individually or by means of a full assistance.
Environmental Licensing
Environmental licensing is defined as the administrative procedure by which the environmental licensing agency issues licenses for the location, installation, expanding and operation of enterprises and activities that use natural resources, are considered effective or potentially polluting or those that may cause environmental degradation.
The legislation foresees, in an exemplificative manner, activities subject to environmental licensing, including extraction and treatment of mineral, industries in general, civil works, activities of generation and transmission of electrical energy, water and wastewater treatment stations, treatment and destination of wastes, transportation, tourism, installment of land use, farming activities and natural resources use.
Diagnosis and Regularization
Regulatory in Sanitary Surveillance
Contaminated Areas
Pursuant to Environmental Ministry, contaminated area is the area, land, place, installation, building or improvement that presents quantities or concentrations of any substances or wastes in conditions that may cause or may cause damages to human healthy or environment.
The legislation requires the remediation of contaminated area according to guidelines and procedures established by laws, decrees and administrative resolutions. At the same time, the legal responsible for such areas become subject to imposition of sanctions and monitoring from other environmental authorities like the District Attorney office and the Police.
Assessment of Environmental Liabilities
The due diligence performed before a transaction or even in a preventive form makes possible the mitigation of future legal risks.
Administrative and legal litigation
Environmental issues are often embedded in a context that involves other aspects of Corporate Law , such as due diligence preceding the corporate and real estate transactions or contracts involving environmental and/or health aspects. Such aspects frequently arise in a negotiation context involving other areas of Law.
Or, simply, the most efficient solution sometimes depends on the systemic assessment of other areas of knowledge. Therefore, even being a Firm specialized in Environmental Law, we establish partnerships in order to achieve the most efficient results and also to facilitate the monitoring of the work by the Customer.
The origin of Sera Advogados dates back to 1994, when the founding partner began her legal experience in the Tutelage of Diffuse and Collective Rights with the Federal Public Ministry. From this experience in the public sector, to the legal experience of environmental practice in the private sector, under the coaching of celebrated professionals in the field, the values and principles of work that resulted in the foundation of Sera Advogados in 2006 were consolidated.
Throughout all this time, restrictions on the use of natural resources have increased, as well as severe penalties were set, which were also accompanied by an increased appreciation of best sustainability practices by companies and individuals. That is, sustainable protection of the environment has become more than mere ideology, but rather an effectively required legal obligation as well as a powerful marketing instrument.
Naoka Sera Furuiti is an attorney at law graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of São Paulo ( USP ), a specialist in Environmental Law with a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from the same university .
With almost 30 years of experience in the legal market, she has in her professional track record important firms such as Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados (associated with Baker & McKenzie International Swiss Verein), in which she was also a member of the Mergers and Acquisitions and Japan Desk teams, Tozzini Freire Advogados and Milaré Lawyers.
She also worked at the Federal Public Ministry (Diffuse and Collective Rights) and in the international area of Citibank SA, and has experience as a consular assistant at Consulate General of Japan. Service in English, Japanese and Spanish.